Children are the world’s
most valuable resource and
its best hope for the
Lifelong Learning
The school based support team (SBST) is an ongoing collaborative problem solving unit of school personal. The SBST meet regularly to assist classroom and subject teachers to develop and implement strategies that support pupil learning.
The school base support team includes a core group of regular members including the Headmaster, the Learning support co-ordinator, a Learning support teacher and the Deputy Head (Learner Affairs). The referring classroom or subject teacher is a key member of the team when one of their pupils is being discussed. Parents may be invited to team meeting should this be beneficial to the continued academic intervention for their child. Others, such as specialist teachers, student support service staff, community support agencies, counselling social workers and educational physicalist maybe in invited to attend meetings when appropriate. The Learning support co-ordinators facilitates easy access to the team for pupils, parents and staff alike. The core BST members are pictured below, click on the hyperlink below their photograph to send them an email.
Telephone: (021) 552 2028
Physical Address
12 Zastron Rd, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441, South Africa
Reception: Ms. Hyman
Personal Assistant to the Headmaster, Admissions: Mrs. Haywood