Fides Et Veritas

Music: C.D. Roode
Words: F.G. Halloway

In faithfulness go forward,
And truth will be our watchword,
Our motto in the fray, our motto in the fray.
Where the seagulls glide,
In the breezes wild
A nation new is born.
All the lessons in our service learnt.
Our anchor in the storm.
Milnerton, Milnerton, our love for you will win.
Milnerton, Milnerton, our love for you will win.



Telephone: (021) 552 2028

Physical Address
12 Zastron Rd, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441, South Africa

Reception: Ms. Hyman

PA to the Head of School, Admissions: Mrs. Haywood

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We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.